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Criteria for Accepted Records (1-3):
In order for a record to be accepted, a minimum of six votes in favor is required with no more than one dissenting vote (NOURC 2010). Records in the following categories are classified as accepted:
- I-S - a diagnostic, labeled specimen exists
- I-P – diagnostic, labeled photographic evidence exists
- I-R - a diagnostic, labeled recording exists
- II - three or more independently written diagnostic documentations of the same
bird exist.
- III - one or two independently written diagnostic documentations of the same
bird exist
Unaccepted Records (4-6):
Records in the following categories are considered unaccepted (NOURC 2010):
- IV - probably correct, but not beyond reasonable doubt.
- V - a record with insufficient evidence to support the identification claimed.
- VI - a probable released or escaped bird or mistaken identification.
Report was archived but not reviewed by the full committee