Nebraska Books and Articles

a bibliography

Johnsgard Titles

In recent years the University of Nebraska has been developing a Digital Commons internet library that is freely available on-line, and that includes publications in the humanities and sciences.  The Digital Commons is a national on-line digital library that serves as a repository for scholarly publishing. It is a collection of a university's scholarly effort that preserves and makes accessible information via the internet that is produced by that institution. It may include preliminary or final copies of journal articles, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, books or other scholarly materials. The University of Nebraska has been an active participant in this national effort, and its digital holdings are among the largest in the country. Specific titles may easily be found though the usual search engines, such as Google. The University of Nebraska's facility (the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities) is located in Love Library on Lincoln's city campus.

Over 40 of Dr. Paul Johnsgard’s publications that are no longer easily available as hard-copies can be freely accessed through UN-L's Digital Commons. The list below is limited to those titles that variously relate to the birds of Nebraska and were entirely or in part written by Dr. Johnsgard. They can be accessed at the URLs indicated. Additional titles will be added as funding allows, and a complete list of Dr. Johnsgard’s on-line titles can be found at the URL shown above.



 Entire State

Bray, T.E., Padelford, B.K. and Silcock, W.R., 1987

The Birds of Nebraska, A Critically Evaluated List

Published by the Authors, 1405 Little John Road, Bellevue, Nebraska 68005.

Ducey, J.E. 1988

Nebraska Birds, Breeding Status and Distribution,

with maps by Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory,

University of Nebraska at Omaha and illustrated by Paul A. Johnsgard

Simmons-Boardman Books, 1809 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Johnsgard, P.A., 1997

A Nebraska Bird-finding Guide.

School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118. Available from the author. Includes maps, directions to and descriptions of public areas in Nebraska.

Johnsgard, P.A., 1998

The Birds of Nebraska.

School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118.

Available from the author. An update of Johnsgard's "The Birds of Nebraska and Adjacent Plains States", 1997.

Knue, J. 1997

Nebraska Wildlife Viewing Guide

Published by Falcon Press, Helena and Billings, Montana.

The Guide is available for $8.95 from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission,

and the entire $8.95 stays in Nebraska for nongame conservation projects.

Mollhoff, Wayne J. 2016


The Second Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas

Compresensive Description of breeding records for Nebraka birds with maps for each.

Orders may be sent to the Nebraska Ornithologists Union, W-436 Nebraska Hall, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0514.

Make checks payable to Treasurer, Nebraska Ornithologists Union

Single copies are $30 plus $5 postage. Please inquire about pricing for multiple copies.  

**Atlas volunteers can purchase a copy for $20 plus $5 postage. 

Mollhoff, Wayne J. 2002

The Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas 1984-1989

Published by the NOU and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, available from the NOU.

Comprehensive description of breeding records of 191 species, with maps for each.

NEBRASKAland Magazine, Vol. 63, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1985 

Birds of Nebraska

Published by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

No editor given, each chapter by a different author, lots of pictures.

NEBRASKAland Magazine, Vol. 82, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2004

Birding Nebraska, Jon Farrar, editor.

Colorful state-wide guide to over 450 species.

Sharpe, Roger S., Silcock, W. Ross and Jorgensen, Joel G. 2001.

Birds of Nebraska, Their Distribution and Temporal Occurrence.

University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

A detailed reference on the birds of the state: accounts of 452 species, including their status

in Nebraska, taxonomy, geographical, ecological and temporal occurrence, and specific

instructions to observers interested in finding the species.

 Specific Regions Of Nebraska

Bleed, Ann and Flowerday, Charles, Editors. 1990.

An Atlas of the Sand Hills

Published by the Univ. of Nebr., Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Conservation and Survey Division.

Faanes, Craig A. and Gary R. Lingle. 1995.

Breeding birds of the Platte River Valley of Nebraska

Jamestown, North Dakota: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. (Version 02SEP99)

The main objective of this study was to determine the numbers and kinds of bird

species nesting in the area, their populations, habitat preferences, and the geographical

distribution of each species across the area. Included are information about species status

(including nests, fledglings, and nesting attempts), distribution, habitat use during the

breeding season, the effect of habitat alteration on species distribution and abundance.

Jenkins, A., General Editor. 1993

The Platte River: An Atlas of the Big Bend Region

Published by the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849

Jorgensen, Joel G. 2004.

A Preliminary Assessment of Eastern Rainwater Basin Birdlife.  

Lingle, G. 1994.

Birding Crane River: Nebraska's Platte.

Harrier Publishing, 1568 L Road, Minden, NE 68959


Rosche, R.C.

Birding Pristine Nebraska

Vol.2, No.6, June 1990, Winging It, newsletter of the American Birding Association, Inc., P.O. Box 6599, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80934

Rosche, R.C.

Birding in Western Nebraska, Part I

Vol. XXVI, No. 3, June 1994, Birding, published by the American Birding Association, Inc. P.O. Box 6599, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80934.

Rosche, R.C.

Birding in Western Nebraska, Part II

Vol. XXVI, No. 6, December 1994, Birding, published by the American Birding Association, Inc. P.O. Box 6599, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80934.

Rosche, R.C. 1994

Birds of the Lake McConaughy Area and the North Platte River Valley, Nebraska

Illustrations by Dorothy J. Rosche. Published by the author.

Scharf, William C., Josef Kren, Paul A. Johnsgard and Linda R. Brown.

Body Weights and Species Distributions of Birds in Nebraska's Central and Western Platte Valley.

(MS#1042) has been published in Papers in Ornithology.

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