Nebraska Young Birders

the NOU future

Omaha Youth Birding Group

The Audubon Society of Omaha sponsors frequent field trips geared toward youth birders. This activity provides an opportunity for a young person to get outdoors with a family member and learn more about this great hobby of ours. If you are near the Omaha area, volunteer some time to help with this enthusiastic group. Check the calendar on the ASO website.

Omaha Youth Birders © Tyler Harms
Getting Young People Involved photo by Janis Paseka © Janis Paseka Do you know of a young person who is interested in birding or nature in general and might enjoy attending an NOU meeting?

The concept of an NOU Scholarship Fund, which provides stipends to students attending NOU meetings, began with Rusty and Margaret Cortelyou, longtime NOU members.  They suggested that gifts in honor of their 90th birthdays be directed to this fund.  Subsequent sales of Cortelyou memorabilia and gifts in memory of Lona Shafer and Margaret Cortelyou have also been placed in this fund.

The Scholarship Fund will pay for registration, meals, and lodging for a student to attend an NOU meeting. Transportation costs are not included. Preference will be given to 9th through 12th grade students, although students of any age group will be considered.  Registration, meals, and lodging for a parent or teacher accompanying the student will likewise be paid for.  In addition, the student will receive a one-year NOU membership at no cost.

To apply, the student must submit a short statement (one page or less) indicating why he or she wishes to attend the meeting. This statement should be sent to the president of the NOU (see Leadership page) as soon as possible prior to the meeting.  The president will review the application, decide if the student qualifies, and notify the student of his or her decision.

We would like to make this information available to as many interested 9th through 12th grade students as possible and encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity.  Involving young people in the NOU enriches their lives as well as ours.
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